[Perlpanel-devel] CVS
Jason Brian Friedrich
2004-10-31 13:50:01 UTC
Hi list,

the version Gavin uploaded a few days ago works very find for me.
Thanks Gavin. It seems that all problems with the launchers are
solved, the option to add another launcher from an already
existing launcher is also very handy.

I experienced a bug this morning, i change my language settings
to german and i configured the panel. Afte i clicked on "ok" the
panel was enormously big (more that 96 px) though i did not
configured so. I have seen that the configuration of the panel
itself was changed (in my .perlpanelrc). The size was not "tiny"
anymore, it was "winzig" the german translation of it. I can not
give a more detailed view. I'll try to reproduce it in the next week.

I also recognized that the shell manager uses big icons for the
different connections and seems not to bother what is configured
in the .perlpanelrc.

Gavin Brown
2004-10-31 15:40:03 UTC
Post by Jason Brian Friedrich
The size was not "tiny"
anymore, it was "winzig" the german translation of it.
This is something that's been reported before. I will be able to fix it
when I replace the OptionMenu widgets with ComboBoxes.

Gavin Brown
e: ***@uk.com
w: http://jodrell.net/